Media Center

Media Center

General Announcement

Dear Gulf Helicopter Company Affiliates,
On behalf of Gulf Helicopter Company Board of Directors, we are pleased to inform you that the Company has embarked on a new chapter towards a brighter future through new Board of Directors and management team, as we are fully commited to continuing this legacy and driving Gulf Helicopters Company towards an even more promising future with our top priority to serve our clients, suppliers, and partners.
The current Gulf Helicopter Company Board of Directors is composed of the following:
1. Dr. Mohammed Yousef Al-Mulla (Chairman)
2. Mr. Ali Nasser Telfat (Vice Chairman)
3. Shk. Fahad Abdulla Al-Thani (Board Director)
4. Mr. Hamad Ibrahim Al-Qayed (Board Director)
Additionally, please note that Capt. Mohammed Hilal Al Hilal has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer of Gulf Helicopters Company effective from 27th November 2024 following retirement of the previous incumbent.
We request you to take note of the above changes noting that we are under the process of updating the corporate document of the Company and its affiliates with the above changes as and when relevant. In addition, please note that Capt. Al Hilal is our sole focal point for any formal communication relating to GHC and its affiliates. We appreciate your adherence to the communication protocols in this regard and always look forward for your continues support.
Dr. Mohammed Yousef Al-Mulla
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Gulf Helicopters Company
28 November 2024

Aviation Today

Al Jazeera

Flight Global

Gulf Helicopters AW139 and AW189 Fleets Set New Operational Milestones


GHC’s diversified fleet and engineering capabilities offer cost effective solutions to meet its Clients’ challenging requirements with a focus on Safety & Performance.

Whether the requirement is Offshore or Onshore, GHC’s Fleet of 41 Helicopters are configured to the highest standards to perform a multitude of task including Logistical Support, Seismic, Under-slung, Photo, VVIP Transportation and Medical Support.

In 2008, Gulf Helicopters Company joined forces with Gulf International Drilling and Al-Koot Insurance Companies as Gulf International Services (GIS), becoming a public shareholding company on the Doha Securities Market (DSM).


